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Lamb roast marinade for spring

Your customers may be tired of the customary ham. Start a new spring tradition and stand out with this elegant roasted leg of lamb. There’s very little prep work required, but when it comes to lamb, patience is a virtue, but it’s worth it.

Here’s a nice lamb roast marinade:

6 lb boneless or bone-in leg of lamb roast
1 1/2 c orange juice
1/4 c lemon juice
1 c white wine
6 cloves garlic, minced
2 T stone-ground mustard
2 t fresh lemon thyme
4 T fresh rosemary, chopped
1/2 t fresh pepper, ground
4 T olive oil

Place lamb and marinade into a plastic bag. Squeeze as much air from the bag as possible and seal. Marinate for several hours, or overnight, in the refrigerator. At least 30 min prior to roasting bring to room temperature with the roast inside the bag.

Preheat oven to 350°. Remove roast from bag. Pour marinade into roasting pan. On the stovetop, heat olive oil over medium high heat in a large non-stick skillet. Brown the roast on all sides to seal in the juices. Place browned roast into the roasting pan, fat side up (use a rack if you wish). Cook approximately 1 hour and 45 min, basting every 20-30 min, until center of roast reaches your preferred level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature (130° rare, 135° medium rare, 140° medium). Do not overcook.

When the desired temperature is reached, remove the roast and let it rest 15-20 min. Reserve remaining pan juices for serving. Remove any butcher’s string before carving.
