July means the kick off to summer grilling season. For this reason, July is considered National Grilling Month. Fun fact: July is also National Bison Month! Not sure how that happened, but I guess we all should eat a little bison.
I found this cool website called The Nibble that lists all of the food holidays. The month of July is jammed packed with every food holiday imaginable. Did I say, “jam?” That’s the only food that doesn’t have a national holiday in July! The funny thing is, July 21st is National Junk Food Day, so maybe jam could be considered junk food and then it would have a holiday in July.
Okay enough of this funny business. July is National Hot Dog Month. That makes more sense, right? But believe it or not, July 4th is National Sparerib Day (I would have guessed National Hamburger Day). July 6th is National Fried Chicken Day. I could say some really funny things about this day but I’ll hold off. Why? Because seven days later on July 13th it’s National Beans “n” Franks Day. Wow, I guess that day will be a real gas (I couldn’t resist!). Beans “n” Franks Day…who decided that needed its own holiday? Reminds me of cowboys sitting around the campfire eating beans “n” franks and letting them rip in the movie Blazing Saddles! Those were some good old days. Last but not least, July 23rd is National Hot Dog Day. That’s a holiday that keeps on giving….you heartburn.
So there you have it. Just a snippet of food holidays in July. Not enough for you? Then here’s more!