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fall in Spokane

Fall foliage calls for stuffed green peppers

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Food Service, Ground beef, How to, Recipes, Retail | No Comments

The autumn colors are beautiful. That’s why we got married in October. We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in Boston last year and it was a trip to remember, especially the lobster! Lobster cooked in so many ways I can’t recall them all.

That’s the upside of October here in Spokane; the amazing colors. Downside… I hate raking. Shuffling up to 15 bags of dead wet leaves and endless pine needles works up the appetite. Ultimately, it calls for the ‘big gun’ from my recipe box: 

Stuffed Green Peppers 

I take the biggest peppers I can buy and stuff them with our Angus Meats hand-made Italian Sweet Sausage (to die for!), browned with our Angus Meats 80/20 Ground Beef, Walla Walla Sweet Onions, of course mushrooms, and a mix of brown and white minute rice. Next, throw in some tomato bits, stir it all up, stuff the big green guys, and cover again with a garlic/onion tomato sauce. Bake at 350° covered for an hour. Add a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese as it cools. It’s a tasty reward after raking leaves all day 🙂 

This dish warms the tummy and the toes. Enjoy and happy fall! 

Written by Leslie Stachecki

Prime rib

Happy New (School) Year!

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Family, Food Service, Grilling, News, Retail | No Comments

My sister and I always call each other on the first day of school to say, “Happy New Year!” because to us it seems more like the new year than January 1st. A new school year is a new beginning for many families along with another dramatic seasonal change. The cooler mornings and shorter days invite a change-up in the kitchen too; playing around with new twists to old favorites.

Even though we barbeque year round, there is much to be said for a slow-roasting roast or turkey filling the house with comfort aromas. We like to cook a Tri-tip or Prime Rib with lots of garlic and special spices on the weekends for weekday lunches. Of course, being a carnivore at heart, one of my personal favorites is a hot turkey breast sandwich on fresh wheat bread with lots of mayo. If I’m watching my carbs (all the time!), I’ll make an “unwich” but cheat with the absolute necessary side – Original Lays Potato Chips.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Written by Leslie Stachecki 

Warm up with Cranberry-Stuffed Pork Chops

By | Angus Meats, Food Service, Holidays, News, Poultry, Recipes, Retail | No Comments

Bring on the fall season with a tasty recipe for pork chops. You won’t be disappointed!


  • 1 6 – ounce pork stuffing mix
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
  • 1 14 – 16 – ounce can whole cranberry sauce
  • 6 pork loin rib chops, cut 1-inch thick (about 3-3/4 pounds total)
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil


  1. In a medium bowl, combine dry stuffing mix, water and butter. Stir in 3/4 cup of the cranberry sauce. Set remaining cranberry sauce aside.
  2. Trim fat from chops. Make a pocket in each chop by cutting a horizontal slit from the fat side of the chop almost to the bone. Spoon 1/4 cup of the stuffing mixture into pocket of each chop. If necessary, secure with wooden toothpicks. Spread any remaining stuffing in a 13x9x2-inch baking dish (3-quart rectangular).
  3. In a 12-inch skillet, brown chops, half at a time, on both sides in hot oil. Arrange chops in the baking dish over stuffing, overlapping as needed.
  4. Bake, uncovered, in a 325 degree F oven for 40 to 50 minutes or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in chops registers 160 degree F (make sure to insert thermometer into meat portion, not stuffing, and make sure thermometer does not touch bone) and juices run clear. Before serving, remove wooden toothpicks and discard.
  5. In a small saucepan, heat remaining cranberry sauce; spoon over the prepared chops. Makes 6 servings

Source and image credit:  MidwestLiving