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reuben sandwich

Corned Beef for the holidays? Yes, please!

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Family, Food Service, Holidays, News, Retail | No Comments

Outside is shut down, right? You did your due diligence and got your screens, furnace filters and smoke/carbon monoxide alarms changed. Getting a breather yet? Nope.

Thanksgiving weekend is looming. School and college breaks with hungry mind-stressed kids added with visiting ‘special dietary concerns’ family is headed your way. More laundry, your kitchen is crowded and possessed, the TV is constantly on, plus there’s no hot water in the shower. Everyone is swarming you with questions and antidotes. I’d suggest a spa vacation at Northern Quest Casino, but that’s probably not gonna happen. Bummer.

I know the traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a given (everybody loves their favorites), but what do you serve the rest of the time? Nachos? It’s the classic for sure. Mac-n-cheese? It’s the staple of the south with every meal. Little ones dive right in.

How about something really different? How about a Hot Reuben or a Hot Corned Beef Special? Get some freshly made hoagie buns and let them pile on our Angus Meats (of course!) Corned Beef with all the fixings’ you already know about. Our Angus Meats Corned Beef is amazing and hand-turned for 21-days. So tender, easy to cook, and slice. My son-in-law loves it for breakfast with eggs, but, he’s from the south.

Whatever savory delight your family enjoys this holiday season, our Angus Brands’ family wishes you a warm and Happy Thanksgiving!

– Leslie Stachecki




Image credit: Photo credit: jeffreyw on Visualhunt.com / CC BY
Prime rib

Happy New (School) Year!

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Family, Food Service, Grilling, News, Retail | No Comments

My sister and I always call each other on the first day of school to say, “Happy New Year!” because to us it seems more like the new year than January 1st. A new school year is a new beginning for many families along with another dramatic seasonal change. The cooler mornings and shorter days invite a change-up in the kitchen too; playing around with new twists to old favorites.

Even though we barbeque year round, there is much to be said for a slow-roasting roast or turkey filling the house with comfort aromas. We like to cook a Tri-tip or Prime Rib with lots of garlic and special spices on the weekends for weekday lunches. Of course, being a carnivore at heart, one of my personal favorites is a hot turkey breast sandwich on fresh wheat bread with lots of mayo. If I’m watching my carbs (all the time!), I’ll make an “unwich” but cheat with the absolute necessary side – Original Lays Potato Chips.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Written by Leslie Stachecki