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2018 Year In Review: What’s Ahead?

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Community, Dog bones, Food Service, Ground beef, News | No Comments

Recently I was asked how 2018 went for us and our company, and what do I expect for 2019. A mind full of answers came quickly. Each and everyone here at Angus Brands works very hard for our customers, and this past year was exceptionally challenging and progressive with new programs and products. Goals were accomplished and new ones set raising the bar yet again. So what new opportunity surfaced in 2018?

It began with a lot of questions from a retail grocery owner last May – “I have this need for my retail meat case. Is this possible? And, can you even do it?”

“Well,” I said, “Let’s find out!”

For me, in order to make good decisions you need and require reliable information. What was the question again? Oh … “Can Angus Brands create a Restaurant Quality Case-Ready Meat Program for Retail Stores that the average shopper will gravitate too?” The main line of items was initially supposed to be 6, but ended up to be 14 items. With lots of testing, label adjusting, and working out the minor details they received their first orders in November. I’m happy to report the grocer and their customers are very pleased and we are receiving very positive feedback.

How long does it take to measure success with a brand new program? Usually 2-3 years. Seems like a long time, but success does not happen overnight. Mostly it takes word-of-mouth; one pleased customer passing on the good news of a new exciting product to another at the store, at church, over coffee, or at the gym. So then, why did I invest so much time and effort into this new project? Because the market is changing yet again. Not only are consumers looking to buy products for their needs from a local reliable source, they are also changing where they shop and how they choose to shop. If you could choose between a Big Box Store and your own local neighborhood store, which would you prefer to support?

So, the last question: Am I looking forward to 2019? Without a doubt — Absolutely! Our Dog Beef Bone Program is flying off the retail shelf, and this new Restaurant Quality Case-Ready Meat Program is growing in awareness with grocery shoppers as word spreads, especially those who really want to support local.

One of my favorite things is to see another positive outcome for retail and restaurant customers that meets and satisfies the need for high quality easy to prepare products. I love what I do. As a local meat company, we are different. We thrive on new ideas and projects that are a good fit within our capabilities. So yes, I am very excited about what 2019 will be.

A very happy & prosperous New Year,

Tom Stachecki, Owner