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Pub Patty

Curry’s Culinary Corner: Stop poking!

By | Angus Meats, Bold Burger, Buy local, Ground beef, How to, News, Party food, Pub Patty, Recipes | No Comments

You know you want to do it. We all do. It’s a worldwide problem: Burger-checking-and-rechecking-is-it-done-yet-overkill. We all say, “Just a little poke is all.” But don’t do it! Step away from the burger! Hint: only flip once. Don’t play with your food and don’t keep poking it to check the temp when you know it’s not done. The more you flip, the more juices drain and the more flair ups. The more pokes, the more moisture drains. Cook for about 5 minutes (I literally use a watch with a second hand) on the first side, flip and cook another 3-4 minutes on the second side. I then check the temperature and will add cheese the last 30-60 seconds. Juicy perfection.

Written by Angus Brands’ Jeff Curry

Summer on a bun

By | Buy local, Food Service, Grilling, Ground beef, News, Pub Patty | No Comments

Summer is all about what’s on the bun. And nothing’s better than our handsmashable Pub Patty.

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill frozen patties that could double as your kid’s Frisbee. Nope. Pub Patties are bold. Different. Daring. We combine unexpected flavors your customers will love. Our time-tested ground beef is a 43 year old proven formula, small-batch, and amazingly juicy.

Let us help your business thrive with our amazing flavors:

Fajita Burger
Bold N’ Blue
Smokehouse Hickory
To order, contact us at 509.482.7033