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February 29th – National Surf & Turf Day

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Now, we must ask: Why would anyone make Surf &Turf Day fall on February 29th? Should we celebrate this tasty holiday only once every four years? Perhaps it’s put on Leap Day because of its ostentatiousness—it is, after all, a dish that combines the two most expensive dishes on the menu, lobster tail and filet mignon. We like it.

Of course, mankind has been combining meat and seafood in meals since the dawn of plenty. Fine dining establishments served both lobster and steak on the same plate in the last quarter of the 19th century. Diamond Jim Brady was just one of many gourmands whose table was laden with both beef and lobster. But the disk known as Surf and Turf (or Surf ‘n’ Turf, to be even more vulgar), is an American invention.

Not just for the 29th, consider Surf and Turf for a scrumptious Valentine’s Day dinner paired with a lovely bottle of wine.