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Angus Meats

Prime rib

Happy New (School) Year!

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Family, Food Service, Grilling, News, Retail | No Comments

My sister and I always call each other on the first day of school to say, “Happy New Year!” because to us it seems more like the new year than January 1st. A new school year is a new beginning for many families along with another dramatic seasonal change. The cooler mornings and shorter days invite a change-up in the kitchen too; playing around with new twists to old favorites.

Even though we barbeque year round, there is much to be said for a slow-roasting roast or turkey filling the house with comfort aromas. We like to cook a Tri-tip or Prime Rib with lots of garlic and special spices on the weekends for weekday lunches. Of course, being a carnivore at heart, one of my personal favorites is a hot turkey breast sandwich on fresh wheat bread with lots of mayo. If I’m watching my carbs (all the time!), I’ll make an “unwich” but cheat with the absolute necessary side – Original Lays Potato Chips.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Written by Leslie Stachecki 

A perfect pair

By | Angus Meats, Bold Burger, Bold Eats, Buy local, How to | No Comments

You’ve got your meat on the grill and a frosty beer at your side. But did you consider if it’s the best beer to bring out the flavors of your protein?

Challenge: try some of these wine and beer pairings with the grilled food that you prepare and share your results via our Facebook page at the end of summer.

  • Beer: Amber, Pale Ales or even IPAs work well with many hearty or spicy grilled meats, and burgers are no exception.
  • Wine: Zinfandel is appropriate, as the juiciness of the burger calls for a young, fruity red.
  • Beer: American Pale Wheat Ales are often (and wrongfully!) overlooked for food paring. Hazy and full of flavor, but not overpowering, these beers are palate friendly and great in the heat, especially when paired with grilled fish.
  • Wine: An oaky California Chardonnay is a proper choice. Its acidity will handle the fat of the fish, and its creamy, buttery texture and flavor work well with grilled, smoky flavors.

Check out more of retailer, Giant Eagle’s, recommendations on how to best pair your proteins with your wine or beer.

Harvest Foods and Angus Brands in front of meat counter

Angus Brands welcomes Walla Walla Harvest Foods!

By | Angus Meats, Announcements, Bold Burger, Buy local, Community, Food Service, Grilling, Ground beef, News, Retail | No Comments

We are thrilled to welcome our newest customer, Harvest Foods, located in Walla Walla wine country.  Nolan and Kathleen Lockwood have been running Harvest Foods in Walla Walla for many years and have over 50 employees. Walla Walla Harvest Foods features locally grown produce, bakers who bake from scratch, and a Deli Department that is happy to prepare special orders upon request.

Nolan has a plethora of experience in the retail food service arena and wanted to upgrade his Meat Department, making it easier to get quality cuts and additional products he knew his customers would love. A couple of weeks ago the Lockwoods traveled to Spokane to tour the Angus Brands plant in order to gain a better understanding of what we produce. Determining it was a good fit, Nolan immediately ordered our patties and beef bones. Last week, Tom and Leslie traveled to Walla Walla to view their store. Before the day was out, Walla Walla Harvest Foods and Angus Brands were officially partners!

Like Angus Brands, Harvest Foods is committed to supporting the local community by offering fresh, quality foods and personalized service. We are excited about the possibilities the future holds in this great relationship.

Try our Apple Cranberry Stuffed Pork Loin

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Pork LoinOur Apple Cranberry Stuffed Pork Loin is a great option for your Mother’s Day or Father’s Day menu.

Our chef carefully selects a premium pork loin and methodically butterflies it out. He generously overlays the inside of the pork loin with our own handcrafted apple, maple, and cranberry stuffing then rolls and ties it together, making the final product oven ready. So easy! Once roasted to perfection, remove the strings and carve on! To order, contact us at 509.482.7033.


Grilltastic spring ideas

By | Angus Meats, Bold Burger, Buy local, Family, Grilling, Ground beef, How to, News | No Comments

Alrighty grill lovers. May is National BBQ Month! Now there’s a holiday I can really put my tongs around. Let’s celebrate this sucker with some Curry-style.

Here it goes.

First of all, this celebratory meal (or meals, right?) is going to be cooked entirely on the grill. I know what you’re thinking: “Hold on there Curry and don’t be in such a hurry!” Well, “Don’t-worry-Curry” has a plan. We are going to start with the main course. Beef, chicken, pork, even lamb all are in abundance during the spring. Question is, what sounds good to you and your family?

Next, we are going to cook all our complimentary vegetables on the grill. Yes, this can be done. You can use a special grilling pan made for vegetables that goes directly on the grills’ rack. If you don’t have one, cut your vegetables into portions, wrap them in foil, season them, and splash with a little olive oil. Place the packet on the grill and cook till al dente.

Can’t get enough corn-on-the-cob? Corn-on-the-cob cooked on the grill is one of the best preparation methods. The question is, are you supposed to shuck the corn? I cook my ears of corn leaving the husk on. Just soak them in a bucket of water for a few hours and then toss them on the grill. Shucking the corn is also an option, especially if your kids are looking for a chore (yeah, right!). Once shucked, place on the grill and fire away. Finish both methods of grilling by brushing on melted butter and sea salt.

How about grilled artichokes? Split smaller artichokes in half, toss in olive oil, season with your favorite blend, and grill until al dente. Other no-brainer options: Asparagus, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, all delectable grilled veggies! Just olive oil, season, and grill away.

On to the starches. One of the best ways I have found to cook starch is cooking in foil pouches. Cut the potatoes (Yukons, Reds, Russets) into slices or small chunks. Season with olive oil or butter, sprinkle with cheese and season with fresh or dried herbs. For yams and sweet potatoes:  butter, brown sugar and cinnamon makes for a tasty treat.

Speaking of treats – pound cake grills great. No kidding. Spread both sides of a piece of cake with butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. Place on your grill and caramelize both sides. Serve with a scoop of ice cream and berry sauce, top with whip cream garnish with a mint sprig. Not a cake person? Take a peach or nectarine, split in half and grill away. You can also grill some pineapple and drizzle with a honey-cinnamon glaze. I guarantee your guests will be impressed!

Happy Grilling!

Written by Angus Brands’ Jeff Curry

Homemade steak seasoning recipe

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Grilling, How to, News, Recipes | No Comments

Once you have that perfect grilling cut picked out, kick it up a notch with this fantastic homemade steak seasoning.

■    ½ cup Paprika
■    ¼ cup Kosher Salt
■    ¼ cup Sugar
■    ¼ cup Cumin
■    ¼ cup Granulated Garlic
■    ¼ cup Chili Powder
■    2 tablespoons Mustard Powder
■    2 tablespoons Ground Black Pepper
■    2 tablespoons Cayenne Pepper

Combine the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. With a funnel, pour into shaker containers. Makes 2 cups. Enjoy!

March Madness Munchies

By | Angus Meats, Bold Burger, Buy local, Community, Events, Ground beef, News, Party food, Pub Patty | No Comments

Angus Brands is your team headquarters for mouthwatering game day food.

Coconut Chicken Skewers:  Quick prep comfort food that doesn’t break the scale or your wallet! No change needed for your favorite sides. With big flavor in a small bite, our skewers are an affordable luxury with endless profit potential.

Natural Ground Chuck Sliders:  Perfect for sit-down or take-out meals, our quick prep sliders pack a juicy punch. Versatile luxury with endless profit potential.

“Did you see the size of that Chicken?”  Why serve a drumette when you can serve the drum?!  Angus Brands Skins and Frenches, a Washington chicken leg leaving you with the largest chicken wing in town. Now that says “game day” grub.

To order, give us a call: 509-482-7033.

p.s. Go ‘Zags!

Chef to Chef

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Community, Food Service, News, Spokane news | No Comments

So have you had time to breathe after this busy holiday season? I bet you are just like us at Angus Brands — a couple of quick breaths and off and running. Here we go!

As I started looking at the 2018 calendar year, I realized that running is an understatement. We all started the year off with the minimum wage increase. Have you increased your menu prices to reflect the new wage? If you haven’t, that should be your first priority.

February starts out with a roar. First we’ve got Valentine’s Day. If you’re not interested in the Chateaubriand (see recipe below), try our heart-shaped New York or Ribeye steak cut to your own personal specs. Next comes Restaurant Week February 22nd-March 3rd. I know many of you will be participating as I have several customers who will be involved in this years’ event. Angus Brands is preparing for Restaurant Week by sourcing products from exotic locations — cutting and portioning to chefs’ specs. Additionally, we are increasing our delivery routes to participating customers since we all know how important space in the walk-in becomes during events like this. We wish everyone a successful Restaurant Week!

February 14th also brings the start of Lent. Don’t forget about those of us that don’t eat meat on Fridays, thus your Friday fresh sheets need to be heavy on seafood the last half of February and all of March.

Speaking of March, St. Patrick’s Day is next on deck. Be sure to look at last years’ corned beef usage and preorder. If you haven’t tried Angus Brands’ Corned Beef, give me a call and I can take care of that. 😉 Which brings us to Easter (did somebody say “brunch?!”). Seems far away but it will be here before you know it. We have a variety of absolutely delicious sausages, including our our Apple Cran Sausage, that your customers will love.

After reading this article, did a black cloud of doom fall over you, or are you looking forward to the challenge? This chef is looking forward to the next few months. Whether it’s new menu ideas or specialty products, challenge accepted! If I can help you with any of these upcoming events and holidays, please contact me: Corporate Chef, Jeff Curry, at Angus Brands (509) 482-7033.

Reflecting back on 45 years of innovation

By | Angus Meats, Buy local, Community, Family, Food Service, Holidays, News, Recipes | No Comments

Am I the same person as I was 45 years ago? Just the other day, I found a simple note that I wrote back in 1988. The note was all about creating a new kind of sliced ham with my Dad; a spiral sliced ham. Reflecting upon this, I came to realize that, in this regard, I haven’t changed all that much in over 45 years. I still love creating and working closely with those that share the same passion for food and flavor profile combinations as I do. This inner excitement comes from working with top chefs and other foodies in our area, and collaborating on new approaches to how we prepare, taste, and jazz up their daily menus.

Our Angus Brands team was constantly innovating in 2017. They developed fantastic new sausage flavors such as Blueberry Peach Sausage Links, which complement our Apple Cranberry Sausage, and Roulade with Milano Sausage rolled within a pork loin. Delicious! Along with our line of full-flavored ground beef offerings, we’ve also created a Stuffed Chicken Breast with Asparagus and Provolone cheese.

Our Recipe for 2018: Partners, Knowledge, Experience, Focus, Understanding, Know-How, and a Lot of Passion. These are the necessary ingredients that create the best possible options for everyone. How exciting! Let us know what’s on your wish list.

Happy Holidays and here’s to a fantastic 2018,

Tom Stachecki

*Pictured above: Leslie Stachecki and Jeff Curry, all ready for the holidays!